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Preventive maintenance is the key to keeping your car on the road. Ignoring what you believe are small issues can lead to huge payouts if ignored. One of the most common preventive maintenance measures that are ignored by vehicle owners is tire balancing and wheel alignment. Many people want to know two things: What exactly is a car alignment, and how much does a wheel alignment cost?
A wheel alignment is designed to ensure that your wheels are essentially pointing in the direction they are intended to. This makes the tires last longer by preventing excessive wear and tear. Having a car alignment service is suggested at least once per year as part of an annual maintenance program. So, you ask, "Why are wheel alignments necessary?" A bad alignment can cause permanent damage and failure of other front end components, as well as the tires.
That is dependent upon the type of vehicle but it should run the average person around $100 for a front and rear alignment. The cost of an alignment is a drop in the bucket compared to how much skipping alignments can cost you. A car without the correct wheel alignment will result in faster tire wear, damage to CV/Ball joints, and tie rods. Each of these will result in a much larger repair bill than the cost of an alignment.
Is your vehicle due for a wheel alignment? Consult our ASE Certified Technicians at TLC Auto Care for more information about our car alignment services and to schedule an appointment. Our auto shop proudly serves vehicle owners in Kirkland, WA and surrounding areas.
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